
Rural king tool shed clearance
Rural king tool shed clearance

Setback from a dwelling: 1.5 m maximum from the front wall

rural king tool shed clearance

2.2.4įor all uses, accessory buildings and accessory structure may not be constructed of concrete or masonry blocks unless the blocks are decorative units or are covered with stucco or siding having a permanent colour finish. Where a building or structure for the storage of garbage for all other uses not mentioned in 2.2.1, would be permitted only in a rear or side yard, not in the front or street side lot line and shall comply with the following regulations:Ī) Shall be located outside a required landscape area, landscape buffer and landscape open spaceī) Minimum setback from a rear lot line: 1 mĬ) Minimum setback from a side lot line: 1 mĭ) Minimum setback from a residential zone: 15 mį) Shall not be located in any required parking area or obstruct any required parking or drive aisles. Maximum roof overhang encroachment from a post: 0.5 mįor all other uses not mentioned in 2.2.1 and except where specified in the respective zone, the yard requirements for a principal building shall apply to accessory buildings and accessory structures.(i) Not permitted in required front, side, street side yards. (iv) A detached swimming pool enclosure may be greater than 50 m 2 in areaprovided that the yard requirements for a principal building on the same lot shall apply to the pool enclosure. (iii) Notwithstanding the required setback from a side lot line, the dividing wall of a semi-detached garage may be constructed on a side lot line. Maximum one storey: Maximum height (peaked roof): 4.6 m, Maximum height (flat roof): 3.5 m.Maximum roof overhang encroachment from a wall: 0.5 m.(ii) Permitted in a rear yard subject to the following: (i) Not permitted in front yard, street side yard, or required side yard. Setback from any other lot line: no minimumī) Regulations for Accessory Buildings greater than 10 m 2 in floor area and/or greater than 2.5 m in height:.Setback from a rear lot line abutting a street: 90 cm.Setback from a side lot line abutting a street: 7.5 m.The following regulations shall apply to buildings and structures, when accessory to detached, semi-detached, duplex, triplex, fourplex or street townhouse dwellings:Ī) Regulations for Accessory Buildings up to 10 m 2 in floor area: Electronic Game and Pinball Machine Arcade, subject to Part 1, Subsection 2.6Ģ.2 Accessory Buildings and Structures and Unitary Equipment 2.2.1.Swimming Pools, subject to Part 1, Subsection 2.5.Fencing and Privacy Screens, subject to Part 1, Subsection 2.4.

rural king tool shed clearance

  • Decks, subject to Part 1, Subsection 2.3.
  • The following accessory uses shall be subject to the regulations specified:

    rural king tool shed clearance

    Garages attached to a dwelling either directly or by indirect structural means.Where a use is permitted by a zone designation in this bylaw, any use that is accessory to such use is also permitted, notwithstanding, the following are deemed not to be accessory uses: Any Use of this document is subject to this disclaimer.

    Rural king tool shed clearance